According to Longman English Dictionary, freedom is “the right to do what you want without being controlled or restricted by anyone.” While the definition tells us so, in my opinion, something should be added. If true freedom
is really to do something without being controlled, the world is sure to be full of greed.
To me, the so-called freedom depends on law, justice and morality: law is the basic requirement, while sense of justice and morality are the things that true freeman should own. Also, true freedom can also be interpreted as “not to control
or restrict someone”; therefore, people who possess real freedom should not cause troubles to others. You can do what you want, but you can’t be critical of something you don’t like. If you are free, you wouldn’t care about what others are thinking about you,
having the ability to appreciate others’ inner beauty, and even praise others unwittingly deep from your heart.
However, there are always some people who know that he or she desires freedom, but they still can’t let the basic ideas of freedom go deep into their hearts. In my humble opinion, true freedom is given by yourself, not others. If you
can be brave in facing all circumstances, you will be free.
In conclusion, to me, the definition of freedom should be “the right to do what you want without being controlled or restricted by others, and without causing troubles to others.” Not to be affected by external world or become a slave
of circumstances, but to have the ability to live on your own belief, will always be the highest level of freedom.
鄭宇涵於2015/6/15 下午 01:49:47更新
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