How to Compose a Song

  Many people think that to compose a song is a difficult thing, but actually, it is not as tough as they think. Now, I am going to provide some tips for those who want to compose a simple song.

  First, try to calm yourself down since you may be a little anxious while having an unstable mood. It is much easier for you to create something with a calm and peaceful heart. Second, you can start to find something that you want to describe in the form of music, like the sky, the sea, or something around you and attract you. You can also relax yourself through the observations of the pleasant things in the surroundings. Third, try to remember every single melody in your brain as well as your mind and then use your mobile phone to record them. Next, in my opinion, it is the most difficult part, but it is okay to have such brainstorming: try to choose some of those melodies, and then put them together in the way you want. If you can complete this part, then everything is alright now. Finally, you have to record the whole song in order to have it with you all the time!

  If you finish all the steps above, you can choose some ways to make it complete with arrangements: I hope that you can play one kind of instrument or you may have friends who can play the guitar, which is convenient to bring with. Of course, you may think that it is still too tough for you, but if you really want to own a song, you will do it anyway.

  In conclusion, composing songs is not the thing that only professional composers can do. Try to enjoy it, you will feel that you’re in your own world, and that’s the true happiness you certainly do not realize before. Do it your way, and maybe you can even become a great composer someday!

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